What Is Non-Owners SR-22 Insurance?
A non-owners SR-22 insurance policy is designed for drivers that are required by the State of Missouri to hold an SR-22 filing but do not own a vehicle.
Missouri law requires drivers with DWIs, accidents with no proof of insurance, failure to consent to a DWI test, too many traffic tickets, and other violations to show the state that they have the legal minimum requirement for auto insurance. An SR-22 filing is handled by your auto insurance provider and filed with the state, which proves that you have at least the minimum amount of car insurance coverage as required by state law.
A Missouri non-owners SR-22 certificate is a liability-only insurance policy that is written to cover a vehicle that a person does not own but occasionally drives. For certain violations the state requires drivers to carry an SR-22 filing for a predetermined amount of time, usually for 2-3 years. It is important to maintain your SR-22 filing for the entire duration required by the state, otherwise your drivers license will be suspended.
A Missouri non-owners SR-22 policy is secondary insurance. In the event of an accident caused by the holder of a non-owners policy, the vehicle owner’s insurance pays first, and if the claim exceeds the owner’s limit, the non-owner’s SR-22 insurance covers the rest.
Non-Owner’s SR-22 policies are liability only, high risk insurance. They do not include comprehensive or collision coverage, and cannot be used for rental or commercial vehicles. Non-Owners SR-22 filings do not cover household vehicles.
If you need a Missouri non-owners SR-22 policy call us today at (314) 475-5637 for a free, no obligation quote.