How To Get Auto Insurance After a DWI or DUI

Obtaining auto insurance after a DWI or DUI can be a daunting and stressful experience, but it can be done. Many drivers feel that they may not be able to get insurance, but there are plenty of high risk auto insurance providers out there that will insure drivers with a DWI or DUI, however, insurance rates after a DWI increase significantly – sometimes double what you were paying before.


Start searching for auto insurance before you are able to drive again. This way you will be able to drive legally as soon as you get your license back, and will have time to compare rates.


Figure out what Missouri requires from you before you can drive again legally. You will be required to carry an SR-22 filing. An SR-22 filing is filed with the Department of Revenue and serves as proof that a driver is carrying at least the state-minimum auto insurance requirements. You may also have other requirements set forth by the state or court, so it is important to check to make sure you are meeting all of your legal requirements.


Compare rates from different insurance carriers. Auto insurance will certainly be more expensive after a DWI, but shopping around can reduce the financial burden a little bit. At STL Insurance Stop we pull quotes from a variety of insurance providers to find you the cheapest rate on auto insurance and SR-22 coverage.


Look for ways to lower your insurance premiums. This could include taking driver’s education courses, attending DWI classes, and looking into switching to a safer vehicle.


Have a DWI or DUI and looking for auto insurance or an SR-22 filing? STL Insurance Stop can help! Call us today at (314) 475-5637.